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Hot to remove the link of the forum when I embed a forum

  • @fjalom


    I want to create a forum in a page where have restricted access (like a course unit from a course which is sold by woocommerce) and I am using bbpress shortcode for embed the forum in that course unit.

    The problem is that when I make it, link to a page where all forum are appears( like http://www.mydomain/forum). How to configure to remove this link for appearing when I use bbpress shortocode for embed forum? In this way avoid other user to know this link and access without pay the course

    thank you all

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  • @robkk


    What Learning Management System plugin are you using?

    There are a couple of these plugins that have an extension to work with bbPress.



    Hi, my plugin is wpcourseware

    I would like to know how to remove the link to main Forum page that appear in the course unit when I embed the topic ( [bbp-single-forum id=$forum_id]) . for instance, Which file and where is it located, and what I have to change?

    Another way,that is possibile it is in the main forum page remove the visibility of private forums for registered users, in this way even the registered users who does not buy the course can not see the forum if he access the main forum page. how to do it?

    Thank you a lot four your attention and support



    I don’t think there is a free version of this plugin.

    There isn’t even a free extension for users to use to make it work with bbPress from what I can see.

    I would like to know how to remove the link to main Forum page that appear in the course unit when I embed the topic ( [bbp-single-forum id=$forum_id]) . for instance, Which file and where is it located, and what I have to change?

    bbPress uses custom post types which are similar to the WordPress posts, it just outputs different templates for the display of the forum posts.

    Deleting these posts, would make the shortcode not owrk.

    What you would need to do is conditionally allow only users of a certain course to be able to see a certain forums or topics from bbPress’s pages not just use a shortcode to place a forum on a course page.

    I have found that some user recommend some additional membership/restrict content plugins to make it work for bbPress forums this way.

    It might be best to contact the wpcourseware plugins support to know what is best to hook up bbPress with that plugin.

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