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instalation in my blog,

  • @ikermb


    Hello, I would like instalation bbpress in my blog, I have bbpress instalation already, and I created 3 forums, well, now I would like to create one options in my menu with the name forum and if you click there go directly to my forums.
    the thinking is I can put all my foros inside the foro/menu, if I go apparience – menu, select the forums and put inside the menu, my forums appeare in the menu but with individual options.

    How can I create one options in the menu with the name Forum and put inside al of them.


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  • @robkk


    At the very top of the menus section, you can see a box that says Screen Options, click it.

    You will now see a checkbox that says Forums, make sure that is checked.

    Now you will that there is Forums by your other post types on your site, select the forums you want in the menu, then add to menu.

    Now reorder the menu items how you want.



    Nothing, it is imposible, I see that checkbox that say Forum is checked. ok.

    now I go to foro (in the screen menu on the left) and click in the area Forum my three forum and i click “add menu” well, if I make this, I see in the menu the three options individual too.

    If I do not have in the menu one options that put FORUM, how can wordpress know that I want in the menu one windows that put forum.

    If i selecc the three forums in forum (for example, sport,football, rugby) I see in the menu sport,football and rugby) because inside the menu there arenĀ“t a windows forum.

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