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Using Shortcodes works but permalinks are wrong

  • @arikg


    I use the
    to embed a forum in a page [bbp-single-forum id=$forum_id]
    it works great, but when the user clicks on a thread it opens in the usual bbPress slug and not within the page. I want the forum to be fully embedded in the page and also that the links from e-mail about replies will direct people to this page and not the default forum.

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  • @robkk



    Those shortcodes really weren’t designed for situations like that. It wasn’t meant for a 1 page app for your forum, it doesn’t use something like Iframe, or anything like that.

    But if you want to say create a page about a plugin, and you have a certain forum for a plugin. You can create that page and below all the content you can place the single forum shortcode to display any support posts about this specific plugin.

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