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Comments to Replies

  • @o0corps0o


    I have installed the bbPress plugin and have managed to get the Posts into the Topics of the forum (using bbPress Topics for Posts plugin). But I can’t seem to bring across the comments to be replies from the topics? It seems to just remove the comments and not show anything, and in the admin side of things, comments become -1 where there was usually 34 which is strange cause they are still there… Deactivating the Topics for posts plugin seems to bring back the comments however. Any ideas? or does anyone know what the best way would be to Bring an already made wordpress blog into a forum style (along with comments)?


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  • @robkk


    i think there is a setting to turn previous comments into bbPress replies in the discussion settings in the wp-backend > settings > discussion .



    I’d love there to be somewhere to turn comments into replies, but it ain’t in settings > discussion.

    I’ve googled lots of “import/convert wordpress comments to bbpress topics/replies” and got nowhere. The stumbling block being that WP comments are in wp_comments and bbpress replies are in wp_posts.

    Anyone got a good solution for this?




    I have installed the bbPress plugin and have managed to get the Posts into the Topics of the forum (using bbPress Topics for Posts plugin).



    That’s lovely for posts, but comments don’t follow suit 🙁

    But I can’t seem to bring across the comments to be replies from the topics?



    I only had one post with comments I cared about, so in the end I ran it via a sql command

    insert into wp_posts (post_author, post_date, post_date_gmt, post_modified, post_modified_gmt, post_content, post_category, post_status, comment_status, ping_status, post_parent, post_type, comment_count) select user_id as post_author, comment_date as post_date, comment_date_gmt as post_date_gmt, comment_date as post_modified, comment_date_gmt as post_modified_gmt, comment_content as post_content, 0 as post_category, “publish” as post_status, “closed” as comment_status, “closed” as ping_status, 437 as post_parent, “reply” as post_type, 0 as comment_count from wp_comments where comment_post_ID=5

    followed by an update wp_posts to set post_name, guid and menu_order, and then a ‘fix forums’ for good luck

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