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broken forum – users cannot see the first post :-(

  • @nolimit966



    I’ve recently been making changes to my BBpress theme, (im new to php) and I have no idea what I have done but my forum users now cannot see the first post in a new thread. They can see the topic, click into it, but then the first main post does not appear.

    Does anyone know which .php file I need to fix to get this working again?

    Thank you

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  • @robin-w


    hmmm.. I have been playing with my car’s engine, and now it makes a funny sound – can you tell me what I have done wrong?

    Sorry, I’ll try to help but hopefully my silly sentence above will help you understand why this might be difficult.

    bbpress doesn’t have a theme, so do you mean you have been changing the bbpress plugin, or making changes to your wordpress theme?




    if this was caused because you were editing your files.

    you would need to backtrack and see what you did to cause the issue.

    i reccommend downloading/make a backup of your edited bbPress templates so you can keep track of all your edits.

    then add the default templates to your child again and redo your customizatinos.

    if this could be something else only thing i can think of is using these two plugins from Robin and see if they help with your issue.

    bbpress wp4 fix2

    bbpress wp4 fix

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