integration with wordpress…
everything works well but i just cant add header from wordpress. i add to my bbpress config:
require_once( ‘../wp-blog-header.php’ )
my directories look like this:
/wordpress – here is the wordpress
/wordpress/forum – here is the bbpress
whats wrong ?
and i want to remove ‘views part’ .
Possibly you need to go up two or three directories, since
is called somewhere else? I have no idea really. Just try an absolute or base URL, such as
, hopefully that will work If it doesn’t you can probably be sure it’s something else.doesn’t work whats wrong /
Many people including myself have implemented the themes of bbPress and WordPress by actually making a theme in bbPress that looks like WordPress. There is information creating theme available here. As well, doing what you wanted has been tried and documented on these forums before, so I would suggest a quick search. I know so10 has a patch on his site at:
Hope that helps!
i did what u wrote. look at this… :
links on the left don’t work. no header.
What do you mean? The second link from so10? I don’t know why it didn’t work for you. Search around the forums as there are people have have gotten the integration with a wordpress theme done.
As I stated above, I use the first link and built a theme from scratch. In my opinion, there is no real ‘easy’ way to build a theme by including a file from WP that I have found, but I will stand correctly if someone can explain to me now. Good luck!
what can i do
What have you done? You have to give details of what you did because I (maybe others) cannot translate what you did into a fix without you telling us what exactly you have done…..
installed wordpress here:
installed bbpress here:
installed plugin which integrates registrations in wordpress and bbpress.
i want to have same design in wordpress and bbpress, i added in my bbpress config a line require_once( ‘../wp-blog-header.php’);
doesnt work. in my bbpress links on the left dont work too.
Make sure that when you enter: require_once( ‘../wp-blog-header.php’);, it’s absolute path. For example: /home/username/archas/ram/wordpress/
To find out what your absolute path is:
1) make a file and call it path.php
2) add this code into the path.php:
<?php $p = getcwd(); echo $p; ?>
3) upload it to your wordpress directory and access it, that will output your path.
For more info:
ok, i did something like that in my front site, and everything seem to be working ok, but:
– look at forum and at wordpress- there is a little difference between them. text in forum is on the left, out from the table.
– in my bb-admin page i have bad encoding (im polish), i have to use the unicode, dunno what bbpress uses
how to add (activate) plugins for bbpress? i want to have display-name plugin to change moderators names
There is no activation required for bbPress plugins. Just drop them into a folder called my-plugins and they start working automatically. If you don’t already have that directory, go ahead and create it in your forum root.
in bb-admin panel, it shows only the code of php file.
what bout other questions ?
The first problem is in your header, you have:
<php bloginfo('stylesheet_url'); ?>
, it should be<?php bloginfo('stylesheet_url'); ?> and with the second import, I'm not sure why style.css is just floating around outside. It should be pointing to your forum so it should be:
@import url(“/archas/ram/wordpress/forum/bb-templates/your themestyle.css”);`The second problem is you have to edit EVERY file in the template. Make a new folder in bb-templates, call it whatever you want and copy all the files from kakumei theme except for images directory into your new folder and change all the files that have
<bb_get header()>
and don’t forget the footer and sidebar.The third problem is you need to style the bbpress stylesheet to match your theme…
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