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BuddyPress Integration: Unable to activate group forum setting

  • @macbort


    While I am also experiencing the create group topics issue already documented on other threads, this issue sounds more like the one @sydneydesigner noted a couple of months ago. However, his workaround does not work for me, and you will see why below.

    Issue background:

    My client’s site has BuddyPress installed alongside bbPress. They want group forums as an option within BuddyPress groups.

    In order to use bbPress for this functionality, I have unchecked Discussion Forums within the BuddyPress settings and enabled the Allow BuddyPress Groups to have their own forums option under the bbPress forums settings (Settings > Forums > BuddyPress section).

    What’s happening:

    When I navigate to a BuddyPress group admin and go to enable forums for it, I see the following (image link):

    However, when I check the box and click Save Settings, nothing happens. Looking at the html for the page reveals the following:

    • Gist
    • screenshot
    • It appears that the form tag(s) are missing, so there is nothing there to POST against.

      I was able to enable/disable the option by temporarily switching the theme to the BuddyPress default theme and saving the setting that way. It does not appear to work from client’s normal theme, however.

      Doing some digging, the edit_screen() function found in bbpress/includes/extend/buddypress/group.php seems to generate the checkbox and text for enabling/disabling a group forum, while the form element that should be there looks like it’s from the groups/single/admin.php template file.

      Does anyone have any insight into why the form element wouldn’t be loaded into this group admin page?

      Version information:

      WordPress version: 3.5.1
      bbPress version: 2.2.4
      BuddyPress version: 1.6.4
      Genesis Connect for BuddyPress version: 1.2
      bbPress Genesis Extend version: 0.8.4
      Genesis version: 1.9.1
      Genesis Child Theme: Blissful version 1.0

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