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Removing “Pick a section” menu in post-form.php

  • @basinalders


    Hi I only have one forum so the “pick a section” dropdown menu in post-form.php is useless and confusing to people. Anyone know how I can hard-define that parameter or remove it altogether?

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  • @ardentfrost


    Look in post-form.php in bb-templates directyr. Copy the file, change it, and put the changed file into my-templates directory. It’s pretty obvious which section it is.



    I tried that first thing. The problem is that removing that section of the code makes every thread appear “closed” to replies.



    I was able to edit that file and the option is removed when creating a new topic, and old threads will still accept replies.

    Here is the change I made:

    Remove lines 22 through 28:

    <?php if ( is_tag() || is_front() ) : ?>

    <label for="forum_id"><?php _e('Pick a section:'); ?>

    <?php forum_dropdown(); ?>


    <?php endif; ?>

    and insert:

    <input type="hidden" name="forum_id" id="forum_id" value="1" />

    so that it looks like this:

    <?php endif; ?>

    <input type="hidden" name="forum_id" id="forum_id" value="1" />

    <p class="submit">

    That assumes your forum_id is 1. You can check the HTML source of your rendered page to verify the forum_id.

    Making those changes worked for me. The drop down for selecting a forum to move a topic is still available for admin.



    That works great! Thanks so much, now that i know how to do that it makes stripping everything else down to only use one forum so much easier! thanks again!



    No problem – glad it worked for you. If it makes your topics closed to replies, let me know, since I will have the same problem.

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