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PHP validation and error messages in user profiles

  • I have added a custom field to user profiles in bbPress however I am unsure how to do form validation other than javascript. I would like to do some PHP validation however the few things I have tried didn’t work.

    If you fail to enter an email it will say “ERROR: Please enter an e-mail address.” after you have submitted the form. I want something like that.

    I have tried:

    $myErrors = new WP_Error();

    $myErrors->add(‘id_error’, __(‘Test error.’,””));

    bbp_add_error( ‘bbp_steamid_invalid’, __( ‘ERROR: The ID you entered is invalid.’, ‘bbpress’ ) );

    I am not at all familiar with error handling in both WordPress and bbPress however I feel it is a must.

    Any help would be must appreciated.

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  • I worked it out.

    add_action( 'user_profile_update_errors', 'validate_steamid_field' );

    function validate_steamid_field(&$errors, $update = null, &$user = null)
    if (!preg_match("/^STEAM_[0-5]:[01]:d+$/", $_POST['_bbp_steamid']))
    $errors->add('empty_steamid', "<strong>ERROR</strong>: Please Enter a valid SteamID");


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