Legacy Plugins (bbPress 0.9 – 1.1)
Linked below are the Subversion repositories for all of the retired bbPress 1.1 plugins. We’re committed to keeping them hosted here in perpetuity, though they should be considered retired and no longer active.
- 68-gravatar
- accurate-post-time
- activity-highlights
- add-sidebar-to-bbpress
- add-titles-to-replies
- admin-add-user
- admin-can-post-anything
- admin-drop-menus-bbpress
- admin-instant-menus
- adsense-for-bbpress
- after-the-deadline
- ajax-report-post
- ajaxed-chat
- ajaxed-quote
- all-settings
- allow-html5-video
- allow-images
- approve-user-registration
- asterout-censor
- atal-auto-uri
- auth-cookie-wp-24
- auto-add-favorites
- automated-forum-moderation
- autorank
- avatar
- avatar-upload
- avatar-upload-2
- bavatars
- bb-ads
- bb-anonymous-posting
- bb-attachments
- bb-avatars
- bb-benchmark
- bb-cumulus
- bb-emoticons
- bb-esprit-anonymous-posting
- bb-ga
- bb-gravatar
- bb-gzip-webpage-compression
- bb-hotwords
- bb-lightbox2
- bb-moderation-hold
- bb-myavatars
- bb-open-in-new-window-plugin
- bb-ratings
- bb-reputation
- bb-roles
- bb-scrippets
- bb-scripture-links
- bb-smilies
- bb-stats
- bb-to-wp-users-copier
- bb-topic-icons
- bb-topic-views
- bb-tweaks
- bb-twitter
- bb-wysiwyg-editor
- bbblog
- bbcode-buttons
- bbcode-lite
- bbflickr
- bbfreshness
- bbipsum
- bbkarma
- bblatex
- bbmaintenance
- bbmarks
- bbmenu
- bbpages
- bbpm
- bbpress-advanced-smtp
- bbpress-favicon
- bbpress-front-page-text
- bbpress-language-switcher
- bbpress-latest-discussion-for-wp
- bbpress-mobile
- bbpress-moderation-suite
- bbpress-polls
- bbpress-recent-replies
- bbpress-signatures
- bbpress-sitemap-generator
- bbpress-theme-switcher
- bbpresssyntax-hiliter
- bbrankit
- bbrustolat
- bbsocialize
- bbsync
- bbvideo
- best-answer
- blocklist
- broken-link-checker
- browser-timer
- burning-tags
- campaign-monitor-sync
- censor
- check-for-updates
- clickcha
- cnsor
- comment-moderation
- cross-cookie
- customizable-notification-emails
- default-post-notification
- delete-all-bozos
- disable-display-name
- display-name
- display-name-2
- easy-mentions
- easy-twitter-links
- easy-video-embed
- edit-history
- edit-post-attributes
- email-login
- enhanced-registration
- enhanced-tag-heat-map
- extra-privileges
- facebook-graph-connect
- facebook-graph-connect-beta
- facebook-like
- fix-admin-access
- fix-bbpress
- force-login
- forum
- forum-is-category
- forum-last-poster
- forum-moderators
- forum-redirector
- forum-restriction
- freshly-baked-cookies
- front-page-topics
- gaming-codes
- googleanalitycs
- grapic-display-images
- gravatar
- hidden-forums
- hot-tags-plus
- hot-topic
- http-authentication-for-bbpress
- human-test
- ignore-member
- image-resizer
- improved-spoiler
- indicate-new-posts
- instant-password
- integration-api
- latest-replies
- ldap-authentication
- leaderboard
- limit-latest-discussions
- list-gateway
- list-tags
- live-chat
- live-comment-preview
- login-free-posting
- login-redirector-for-bbpress
- markdown-for-wordpress-and-bbpress
- mass-delete-users
- mass-edit
- md5-insecurity-for-bbpress
- mediawiki-wikitext-filter
- memberlist
- members-online
- mini-stats
- mini-track
- moderator-new-post-notification
- mouldy-old-cookies-for-bbpress
- move-it
- my-analytics
- my-track
- my-views
- myseo
- mywot
- navigation-links
- new-user-notification
- newest-users
- nicer-permalinks
- nospamuser
- openid
- openid-plus
- page-cornr
- page-links-for-bbpress
- php4bb
- plugin-browser-for-bbpress
- polldaddy-for-bbpress
- post-count
- post-count-plus
- post-count-titles-for-bbpress
- post-edit-look-behind
- post-meta
- post-notification
- posts-since-last-visit
- private-forums
- private-messages
- profanity-filter
- quicktags-4-bbpress
- quote
- random-topic
- read-only-forums
- recaptcha-bbpress
- recaptcha-for-bbpress
- recent-posts
- related-topics
- remove-meta-generator-tag
- remove-tags-spaces
- rename-user
- reply
- report-post
- restrict-registration-for-bbpress
- reverse-thread-order
- role-manager
- say-my-name
- scrim-email-saver
- show-avatar
- show-error-page
- show-top-posters
- simple-facebook-connect
- simple-google-adsense
- simple-onlinelist
- sitemap
- skip-akismet
- smf2bbpress
- smiley-choice
- smtp-mailer-for-bbpress
- social-it
- sourcecode-highlighter
- space-username
- spam-notification
- sphere-related-content-for-bbpress
- spoiler-bar
- subscribe-to-topic
- summon-user
- super-search
- support-forum
- support-forums
- svn-browser
- swirl-unknowns
- tag-cache
- tag-history
- tapatalk
- temporary-ban
- terms-of-service
- textile
- thanks
- threaded-posts
- tims-youtube-plugin
- tinymce
- toolbar-by-maverick
- topic-icons
- topic-post-notification
- topic-voices
- trac-links-for-bbpress
- transient-cleanup
- twitter-name-replacer
- unread-posts
- unread-topics
- unreaded-posts
- update-translations
- upgrade-else-die
- user-directory
- user-languages
- user-photo-for-bbpress
- user-roles-table-for-bbpress
- user-switching
- user-timezones
- user-topics-to-favorites
- usernames-i18n-fix
- utf-8-usernames
- validate-registration-form
- wangguard
- webpurify
- websnaprcom-link-snapshot
- wiki-post
- wordpress-admin
- wordpress-bbpress-syncronization
- wordpress-chat-for-123-flash-chat
- wordpress-chat-of-123-flash-chat
- wordpress-integration
- wordpress-latest-post
- wp-css
- wp-search
- wpmu-enable-bbpress-capabilities
- wysiwyg-ckeditor
- xili-new-post-notification
- xmlrpc-client-info
- ye-olde-counter
- year-long-cookies
- zaerl-editor
- zaerl-post-permalink
- zaerl-random-description
- zaerl-simple-registration
- zaerl-url-preview
- zaerl-visibility
- zaerl-wordpress-3-integration