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bbPress GDPR

Version: 1.0.2
Requires: 4.9.6
Compatible up to: 5.2.21
Rating: 1 stars2 stars3 stars4 stars5 stars

The GDPR requires companies and site owners to be transparent about how they collect, use, and share personal data. It also gives individuals more access and choice when it comes to how their own personal data is collected, used, and shared. bbPress GDPR plugin extends new Data Export & Data Era…

bbPress Move Topics

Version: 1.1.6
Requires: 3.9
Compatible up to: 4.9.26
Rating: 1 stars2 stars3 stars4 stars5 stars

Discussions start as comments on a post but you want them to continue on your forum? bbPress topics are not always created in the correct forum by users? Then use this tool to deal with it! Move topics to another forum Move topic to another forum Hide topics so you do not need to deal with them aga…

bbPress New Topics

Version: 1.0.1
Requires: 3.5
Compatible up to: 4.3.34
Rating: 1 stars2 stars3 stars4 stars5 stars

A ‘New’ label will be prepended to the title of every unread topic and topic that contains unread replies. This makes it a whole lot easier for all keymasters and moderators to identify what’s been happening since last time they check in. …

bbPress reCaptcha

Version: 1.1
Requires: 3.0
Compatible up to: 4.1.41
Rating: 1 stars2 stars3 stars4 stars5 stars

Sick of getting spam on your bbPress 2.0 forums? This will add a reCaptcha anti-bot system to your new topic and topic reply forums. It’s very simple to use. Just activate, then go to Settings > bbPress reCaptcha and enter your Public and Private keys. …

bbPress Capabilities

Version: 1.0
Requires: 3.5
Compatible up to: 3.9.40
Rating: 1 stars2 stars3 stars4 stars5 stars

A handy tool for viewing, editing, or resetting a specific user’s forum capabilities. …

bbPress Protected Forums

Version: 1.0
Requires: 2.6
Compatible up to: 3.4.2
Rating: 1 stars2 stars3 stars4 stars5 stars

bbPress Protected Forums adds a metabox, shown while editing a forum, that allows you to disable new topic creation for determined user roles. The plugin is perfect for those situations that you may want your users to see the list of topics of a forum but don’t want them to create new topics. …

bbP Members Only

Version: 1.0.1
Requires: 3.4
Compatible up to: 3.5.2
Rating: 1 stars2 stars3 stars4 stars5 stars

Retricts bbPress to logged in/registered members. All users who try to view any bbPress page and are not logged in will be redirected to the site homepage or optionally a URL provided in the settings. This plugin also disables all bbPress shortcodes for non-members except the login, register, and re…

GD Forum Manager: plugin for WordPress and bbPress

Version: 2.8
Requires: 5.8
Compatible up to: 6.6.2
Rating: 1 stars2 stars3 stars4 stars5 stars

Editing topics and forums in the bbPress powered forums can be a slow process because you can do it only from the edit pages, and for forums only from the administration side. If you need to perform quick changes, close topics, rename them, that can take a while if you need to go through several scr…

BBCode Deluxe

Version: 2020.08.01.2
Requires: 3.9
Compatible up to: 5.5.15
Rating: 1 stars2 stars3 stars4 stars5 stars

NOTE: I did not notice that users posted issues and ideas in the “Support” column until the end of July 2020. If you have issues, feel free to email me directly. In addition, if you are going to post a poor review concerning an issue, have you considered emailing me? Also, most or all of…

bbPress New Topic Notifications

Version: 1.1
Requires: 3.2
Rating: 1 stars2 stars3 stars4 stars5 stars

This plugin is for bbPress 2.x Many people who run forums would like to know when a new topic (thread) has been posted but do not have the time to constantly check their forum for activity. This solves that! This plugin will send an e-mail notification to specific addresses when a new topic has been…

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