bbPress Post Ratings
Offers buttons to up-/downrate posts and calculates user ratings based on their posts. Developed for: …
bbPress Code Snippets
No fancy, complicated syntax highlighting here. The goal of this plugin is to allow your bbPress users to post code snippets in their forum topics and replies without having to learn anything new. Basically, any raw HTML/PHP posted within <pre> or <code> tags will automatically be conver…
Suffusion bbPress Pack
Suffusion bbPress Pack helps add bbPress support to your Suffusion-based site. It works by copying a handful of template files to your (child) theme directory. The templates are based on the default bbPress TwentyTen theme, modified suitably to match Suffusion’s markup. Pre-requisites You need…
New bbPress Admin
This plugin was created to allow bbPress to be administered from the WordPress and WordPress MU Administration Panels. It is a very basic plugin and uses iframes to provide access to bbPress. It is known to compatible with WordPress and WordPress 2.8.x and bbPress 1.0.x. As it just uses iframes to c…
bbPress Slack Integration
Created for the Pods bbPress support forums, this plugin sends a notification into your Slack channel of choice whenever a new topic or reply is created in bbPress. …
Group Forum Subscripton for BuddyPress
** Use of this plugin is not recommended in versions of BuddyPress 1.2 and higher. Please consider using BuddyPress Group Activity Notifications instead: A conversion script for converting subscription data from thi…
Eighties bbPress
An add-on for the Eighties WordPress theme that adds bbPress integration. More specifically, this addon adds custom bbPress styles and templates for the theme. …
BuddyPress – New UI
A great plugin changes the interface of the BuddyPress: now it looks beautiful, fresh and in dark/light colors with plugin settings (SOON). The plugin integrated with plugin “bbPress New UI”. If you have an idea for plugin – just write me in! Features: Redesigned a…
BBP Bulk Unsubscribe
Currently BBPress provides no control for Administrators to unsubscribe members from Forums or Topics. When your forum grows big, there are more and more members subscribed to the topics and forums. Many times it becomes a menace for the subscribing members as they have to go to every topic to unsub…
bbPress – Admin Answers
The plugin allows you to isolate the replies of the administration or moderators of a particular color, plugin adding a checkbox to the form of the answer. You can upload your styles in style.css and change the language in .po files. If you have the ability to translate to your language please cont…