bbPress User Ranks Lite
Create bbPress user ranks which display on forums and user profiles. For more features and settings such as Star Ranks, RPG Ranks, User Badges, Month Badges and Widgets/Shortcodes please consider purchasing the full version. Quick Start To get up and running quickly please read the quick start guide…
Adds thumbs up vote for topics on BBpress forum, also counts the number of visits and replies for each. Show Topics on a Widget filtered by more voted, visited or more replied, also allow to show or not the numbers. Major features in bbp-valoration include: Add a Thumbs-up to the topics for user to…
Video and Audio BBCodes
This plugin adds support for video and audio shortcodes to wordpress. It integrates with the ‘bbPress2 shortcode whitelist’ plugin to provide a safe way of enabling BBCode without giving your users access to all shortcodes. If installed with the latter the admin will have the option of …
bbPress – No Admin
Prevent all users except super-admins from creating bbPress content when inside wp-admin. This plugin has no UI. …
BP Multiple Forum Post
This plugin adds the ability for users to create new bbpress forum topics in multiple BuddyPress group forums at the same time. Users will only get one email notification about the new topic, even if it’s created in multiple groups that they’re a part of: a notice added to the email lets…
Persian bbPress Tools
This plugin provides Persian bbPress with Jalali date and some CSS styles. It also changes the default editor of bbPress and adds a user related menu bar above the forums and topics pages. Persian language pack for bbPress is also included in this plugin. …
Shortcodes for bbPress
This plugin contains a quick reference list to the available bbPress shortcodes so you can easily access the shortcodes as a reference, from within your wordpress panel. Includes bbPress shortcodes to: Display your entire forum index, Display the ‘New Forum’ form. Display a single forums topics …
Follow for bbPress
The Follow for bbPress is a simple following system for bbPress plugin. It provides a very easy and simple way to create a following system for bbPress. Users can easily follow/unfollow each other and they can see the topics of followings via wall page. When you activate Follow for bbPress plugin, i…
BMI Wrong Image Link Fix
The company ByteMobile came up with a great idea: Deliver compressed images instantly! So, if your Provider ( e.g. Vodafone ) cooperates with ByteMobile, they will most likely deliver compressed pictures on your mobile screen. How this works: You call a webpage and this webpage contains images. Your…
Newest replies first in bbPress
WordPress plugin which makes bbPress show the newest replies first in all forums …