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Your installation completed with some minor errors.

  • @zauxst


    I get these strange errors after trying to install bbPress

    Forum could not be created!
    Key master email not sent!

    Referrer is OK, beginning installation…
    >>> Setting up custom user table constants

    Step 1 - Creating database tables
    >>> Database is already installed!!!

    Step 2 - WordPress integration (optional)
    >>> WordPress address (URL):
    >>> Blog address (URL):
    >>> WordPress cookie keys set.
    >>> WordPress "auth" cookie salt set from input.
    >>> WordPress "secure auth" cookie salt set from input.
    >>> WordPress "logged in" cookie salt set from input.
    >>> User database table prefix: main_
    >>> WordPress MU primary blog ID: 1

    Step 3 - Site settings
    >>> Site name: forums
    >>> Site address (URL):
    >>> From email address:
    >>> Key master role assigned to existing user
    >>>>>> Username: username
    >>>>>> Email address:
    >>>>>> Password: Your existing password
    >>> Description: Just another bbPress community
    >>> Forum could not be created!
    >>> Key master email not sent!

    There were some errors encountered during installation!

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  • @zauxst


    Ah yeh i’ve forgot to mention that i use sub-domain for bbPost and not a URL like

    My main blog and website is and the forum is located at so might that be a problem?


    Oh dear!

    bbPress is already installed, but appears to require an upgrade.

    Perhaps you meant to run the upgrade script instead?

    This is what showes now when the Database Table is active with the current error. Clicking on the Upgrade Script does nothing only refreshes the web-page.



    If you want to reinstall, you will need to drop all the bb_ tables from the database. You will get this “upgrade” notice when there are bb_ tables in the database.

    It almost looks like you used main_ for your bbPress database table prefix? I hope that is not the table prefix for your WordPress installation. If it is, then using the same prefix for bbPress means the bbPress installer tried to install into your WordPress tables.



    I did a lot of installs tonight and best i could come out is that i could create the forums but i have no acces at all at the admin section… Because the email is not sent.

    Yes main_ is my WordPress db table prefix.

    And i created a new DB as well to try sorting out diferent… But it’s still not working out. BUT i do have the same user table at least… So if i could only get administrator on the same account from WP would be gr8…



    yup.. I too faced the same prob when I tried installing.

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