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ye olde counter plugin

  • @rimianperkins


    When I was a wee HTML coder in the 90s at the beginning of the .COM boom in Australia, most of the clients I built sites for wanted counters at the bottom of their pages. This was something I enjoyed placing at the footer of my web pages because I could go back and visit some of my sites and see 37 people had viewed my webpage! We would feed this back to the clients to measure our success.

    Back then, there wasn’t much in the way of stats packages like urchin. There was no google either.

    At the work Christmas Party we joked that about 50% of the time we were tripping the counters ourselves. They weren’t very reliable.

    This trend faded with the advent of stats packages and the disappearance of the blink tag (and MC hammer).

    Anyway I’ve created my own for nostalgic purposes. Maybe it’s a mid life crisis. See the bottom of this page! I started at zero, honest! At the time of this post it’s got to 12. That would have been me.

    If you want to download it for your bbPress forum it’s here. I would appreciate it if you posted about this in your forum!

    Just unpack the and upload the counterinstall.php file to your root folder and then browse to it. This creates a table for your counter in your MySQL database. Delete this file after you run it.

    Then upload the ye-olde-counter.php file to your my-plugins directory. You may need to create this.

    Place the code <div id="counter"><?php ye_olde_counter(); ?></div> somewhere in in the footer div tag of your ‘bb-tempaltes/footer.php’ file and place these in your stylesheet

    #counter{text-align: center;padding-top: 20px;}

    .counter_number {color: red;}

    Enjoy! and please let me know how you go.

    you may wish to edit those styles.

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