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wpmu integration old users cant post

  • @bonechair



    I have a bbpress installation Version 1.0.2

    Which integrates with wpmu.

    New version of wpmu is working fine and new registered users can post but

    old users in past cant post now when they login to the site. I am not sure what

    to look for here. The user is in wp_users, where else must the user be?


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  • @kevinjohngallagher


    “New version of wpmu”

    What version is that?

    Does it have a number or something specific we can identify it with? What was the old version you were using?

    “but old users in past cant post”

    How old users?

    People who were registed before you installed bbpress?

    or before you upgraded your WPMU?

    What error message are you recieving when old users post?

    What is happening when they post on the front-end and back-end?



    on your bbP Dashboard make sure SETTINGS->WORDPRESS INTEGRATION-> User database table prefix is filled out.





    you may need to change all usernames to lowercase so that both mu and bbpress accept them. i remember doing that when i upgraded.



    I tried renaming the user to lowercase but no luck. These users were imported into wordpress from another system. So they are just in wp_users. So I figured I had to ad into wp_signups but that didnt work.



    I noticed something with the WP integration setting in the bbP dasboard. When it’s filled out it uses the wp_user & wp_meta tables, when it’s not used it uses bb_user & bb_meta tables. If you started your bbp with the integration bb_users & bb_mate are never created. I don’t know if that information is useful. It’s something to think about because of people who have an existing bbpress and wants to add WP.

    Check you tables in your SQL and see what’s listed under the bb_user & wp_user tables.

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