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WPMU integration fails on admin exists

  • @flashdeveloper


    I have searched the forum for answers to this, and there are certainly lots of threads on the topic. But no matter what I try, I get an error about the “admin” account already existing, and the install fails.

    I recently tried to install bbPress with WordPress MU version 2.7.1 and I keep running into trouble. The bbPress installation, when trying to integrate and share the database, will not allow me to specify the “admin” account as the bbPress key master. It fails saying that this account exists already.

    Has anyone run into this? Should I be using a different version of bbPress? Does it matter that I already installed BuddyPress plugin, version 1.0-rc-3 ?

    I have seen several tutorials on the bbPress – buddyPress – WPMU combo, but I don’t think they were using the very recent versions that I have. SO if anyone has very current experience, that would be extremely helpful. Or perhaps I just need to use older versions that match the tutorials.

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