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WPMU 2.6 + bbPress 1.0 alpha – Keymaster issue

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  • @ctsttom


    Please can any one help?



    This is the wp_role_map option from my bb_meta….




    This is a deeper problem than the role map. If you have users spread across two tables you will never get them to both be able to login.

    You need to just use the WordPress user table and migrate any users from the bbPress user table across to it (don’t forget the meta as well.

    First just try to get using one set of user data happening. Then try to tackle single login.



    I reinstalled and its still not working im not saying i cant login with users from both what the problem is, that the users from wordpress dont have any permissions but they can login.



    Hey all, I now this project is voluntary but I still don’t have anu solution over a week later, I honestly don’t understand what is going wrong, can some one please help!

    Sorry to be blunt, any help is appreciated.




    You’ll need to find other WPMU users who have successfully done this. 1.0 alpha is brand spanking new and unstable. A bug today may be gone tomorrow.



    I see. Thanks



    I think I might have the same problem. I can log in an post with one admin user. This user can post both on WP and BBP. If I add another user. It can semi login to WP but not to BBP. If I change this user to an admin nothing happens, the user cannot do anything more than before.



    Nah, mine wont let the WP users post or do any thing except login.



    I assume you both asked on the WPMU support forum?



    @_ck_ Sorry missed about the WPMU, I´m on WP 2.6 and having theese problems.



    Same boat as ctsstom, my wp users can log into bbpress just fine, they just can’t post. It looks like it might be a problem with the assigned user roles?



    I have just tried again now using alpha 2.0 and while the integration was easier and the keymaster seems to work fine user role maps still are not coming across from wpmu



    I have investigated some more it seems that new users of mu which own blogs get assigned as inactive on bbpress, dispite the role map being set to give them member level or higher for all levels on the role map.

    Any suggestions, theres no error codes it just plain doesn’t like wpmu’s role map



    Please, can some one help, this is still not working and no one seems to be helping I have no idea what to do or who to ask but here as its the bbpress code that is at fault.



    @ctsttom – In order for a user that was registered in WordPress to have any authority in bbPress, they need to have the option ‘bb_capabilities’ in their user metadata. This does not have anything to do with the role maps in bbPress. Those role maps only affect users that are registered within bbPress that need to have capabilities inside WordPress. I think you are having the same problem that I had – you need to go the other direction. You need a default capability in bbPress for a new user registration in WPMU.

    There are two ways to do this:

    1) go to your bbPress admin panel, drill into each new user that was registered in WordPress, edit their profile, and assign them a ‘User Type’

    2) use my shiny new WordPress plugin that creates a default capability of ‘member’ in bbPress for users that are registered in WordPress

    I would be interested in any feedback you have. There are two caveats to this plugin:

    1) it does not handle any users registered in WordPress that existed before the plugin was activated, you’ll have to do that manually (but you get the idea and could handle this with a mass SQL)

    2) there is no logic to determine which bbPress User Type to use, I just start with ‘member’ and assume that I’ll manually set admins/moderators, and further that everyone with a login should be able to post.

    Let me know what you think!



    It works great but the thing is that I still cannot get cookie integration right.



    Hey eagano… is your plugin available in a regular WordPress 2.7.1 version?



    cookie integrations are available on wpmu 2.7 (or above) :)

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