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WP 4.0 update and bbpress returning 404

  • @stg


    Hi Guys,
    I just updated my wordpress to version 4.0 and all my bbpress forums are
    returning a 404 page not found error.
    I have tried everything I have found on here and nothing works.

    All the topics are there in the dashboard, but when I want to view them — Not Found
    Apologies, but the page you requested could not be found. Perhaps searching will help..

    I disabled all my plugins and reactivated them one by one.
    I tried changing my permalinks to all the settings and saving them/ switching back etc and nothing happened.

    Trying to repair the forums and I get this:
    You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page
    P.S; I have full control over the server.

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  • @robin-w


    ok, so the permalink for the 19th hole from your sidebar is

    can you go into

    Dashboard>forums>all forums and select edit for the 19th hole

    You’ll see under the title the permalink, come back and tell us what it says





    ok, can you try resetting your permalinks


    change from whatever they are set to to something else, save and then reste them back and save.

    Come back with the result



    I have tried that with every setting and then switched back as I said in my original posting. (see above)

    I just tried it again and…..

    All I get is:

    Not Found
    Apologies, but the page you requested could not be found. Perhaps searching will help.



    ok, lets see if it is a theme or plugins issue


    Deactivate all but bbpress and see if this fixes. if it does, re-enable one at a time to see which is causing the error.


    If plugins don’t pinpoint the problem, as a test switch to a default theme such as twentytwelve, and see if this fixes.



    I appreciate what you are doing 🙂

    I have tried all this before, numerous times. I have mentioned it at the top of this topic.



    so are you saying that with all plugins disabled apart from bbpress, and a default theme, and with resetting permalinks that you still get 404 errors?

    If so all I can suggest is that you revert back a wordpress version to see if that fixes


    for quite a good video on how to do it

    and then come back



    ok, we have two issues with wp 4.0

    ISSUE 1

    The first gives 404 errors with sub forums for users with default permalinks. This is due to a bug in wp4.0, and netweb is on the case to get this fixed in 4.0.1

    I’m working on patch for bbpress, but otherwise in the meantime there are 3 workarounds

    1. Change your permalinks to any of the other settings


    The most often used is ‘postname’

    This will not only fix your issue, but make your links look prettier. However if you have links to your site forums from other sites/emails, these links might break (ie they will come up as 404 errors), but if your choice is between users not accessing, or users complaining that the link in that old email no longer works, then resetting might seem a good idea.

    2. revert to 3.9.2


    for quite a good video on how to do it

    3. Move your sub-forums up a level ie make them all main forums

    and keep monitoring this site for a solution.


    The second hides topics and/or replies with some themes and other plugins. This is due to a change in wp4.0 on how it handles searches.

    For the second, the patch in this plugin may help.

    bbpress wp4 fix

    If it does, please come back and say



    Hi Robin
    I`m going to get on with this now. I will let you know how it goes.



    Ok, I found it.

    I had a plug-in called Landing Page.

    It wasn`t enough to deactivate it. I deleted it and everything seems to work fine.
    Don`t ask how or why, it just worked.

    Thanks for your help.

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