I kinda like the blog idea, it’s something totaly new for a forum and personalises the profile page a lot. Are the blogs saved in a hidden forum or is the database extended? (profile table). And can people reply?
I’m currently trying to get the database extended (have never coded in my life). And yes, people will be able to reply, just haven’t added the code yet. To be honest, I’m just mixing all sorts of code together to see what I get. I went through a lot of trail and error and this was my result. I think I’m going to have to get a couple of people to hep me in this project.
In THEORY you could use the forum database table for the blog. A blog would be a new topic in which people could reply. Adding a filter would seperate the blog-forums from the normal forum.
This way, the database doesn’t have to be extended, a simple filter would do… plus it would be easier to code as a plugin
Well in theory
Just filter it:
blog name = forum name
blog topic = forum topic
blog reply = forum reply
blog is filtered from the forum and only topic owner can add/edit here.
To make it more simple, when a user makes a blog a forum called “userblogs” (must be unique so a series of numbers could be added) is created and filtered (hidden). Then when loading a profile page it checks the forum “userblogs” where topic starter = profilename and it shows the “blogs” of that profile name…
Hope you understand what I mean, goodluck
16 years, 8 months ago
Here is the current plugin I’m working on. It deals a lot with just adding files to the root and editing profile.php. So far I’ve set up the blog, where you’re able to make a post (see image), edit/delete it, and display it on the user page. All I need to do is set it up so it can be used for users to create their own blog.
Other features in the works are:
Comments (as you can see in the preview)
Music Player (going to make it so that it grabs from the server and displays a flash player)
About Me, Friends section, etc
Choice of theme for profile
… And whatever else I can think of. As I’ve said, it’s work in progress.