WordPress integration: Logout problem
After integrating WordPress and bbPress, a single login works correctly, but logout does not work. When I click the logout link from bbPress or WordPress, it does not log me out of bbPress but does log me out of WordPress. Does anyone know why the bbPress logout would not be working?
Actually, I found I can’t login either. There was a cache problem with login. I will search more posts for ideas. If anyone has thoughts, please share.
Another update…
When trying to login to bbPress, it logs me into WordPress, but not bbPress. So, the bbPress login and out features are setting correctly the WordPress session info, but not the bbPress session info.
Try this:
Be sure your cookie settings match in your config files.
I am having similar issues. I have followed the steps from kineda.com, and it’s not working for me personally. Well, everything is working. I have fully integrated my wordpress blog and bbpress forum. So, users can sign up and use one username and password for both, works great, BUT, first of all… sometimes I guess the cookie part isn’t working, because I can log in at my wordpress blog, then go to my forum and I won’t be logged in. But, when I first did the integration, it worked. I’d log in at one, then go to the other and already be logged in. So there is that issue, then I am also having an issue every now and then with logging out. If I log out from my bbpress it gives me some kind of header already sent error… But, again, that only happens periodically. So, my issues are odd and they don’t happen all the time
I’m thinking that most of my issues have to do with the cookies. Has anyone discovered any hints or tips to make sure that my cookie code is correct? The cookie part of my code in my bb-config file looks like this:
$bb->authcookie = ‘wordpress_354420af36a7c3b4f6ad07a79c17612a’;
$bb->cookiedomain = ”;
$bb->cookiepath = ‘/’;
$bb->sitecookiepath = ”;
does all that look correct?
I’m having problems, too, with logging out. When I click Log Out, it does nothing. But if I switch to my Profile, it gives me the Login Form on my Profile page. But if I go back to the Home page, it remembers my previous login. This happened with the original theme, and is still happening with a new theme. This happens whether I have a session logged in with my WordPress installation or not–it doesn’t seem to be related. This is a serious problem. I can’t launch a bbPress-based site with login/logout not working.
I have a similar logout issue. My WP and BB are integrated. I can login at the WP site and go to the BB site without issue. I can then logout of the BB site, but when I jump back to WP, I am still logged in.
Maybe it will be helpful for somebody:
if you have a problem with bbpress logout after “wp & bbpress integration” — delete cookies in your browser and try agan.
It works for me (wp 2.5.1, bbpress
Deleting the cookies will delete the current session information from the browser which is exactly done by logout. So I don’t think this is a valid solution. The wordpress application should do this by itself when user presses logout.
I have same problem as people said before.
Sonika says clear cookies but it will work only people who know that but common people can not do this.
I try lot of things.
Like change in sidebar.php & comments.php in
whatever theme is…….to wp log out.
It does not solve my problem.
I think it is bug in WP or clear cookies some how.
Please reply me if anyone has solution.
hi,there.for the cookie problem,it is Okay now.or there was some error occured on the server of bbpress.
more,u mates can clean the cookies saved by the browser u were using in the option to logout the bbpress.
be helpful
Having the same problem. I can log in to wordpress, and I’m logged into bbpress. And if I log into bbpress, I’m logged into wordpress. BUT, if I log into WordPress, I cannot log out through bbpress (it just reloads the page). I have to go back to wordpress, and then click Log out, and then come back into bbpress, and click log out again in order to be fully logged out.
However, if I log in through bbpress, then I can log out of bbpress. It seems that the logout function from bbpress is not connecting with wordpress.
This posting was really informative and I highly appreciate this effort. It helped me a lot. Thanks for this posting.
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