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WordPress and bbPress Theme Integration

  • epiphone


    Recently I have installed bbPress 0.9.2 and intergrated it with my WordPress blog (Version 2.6.2) the intergration has been a success and all users registered to the blog also have access to the forum without re-creating a user.

    Anyway, now im interested in intergrating my bbPress forum within my blogs layout (E.g on a page called forum there would simply be my usual blog layout and then the forum appearing within the content area of my blog but I don’t have any idea how to do this. For a visual reference here is a example of what I want to achieve:

    Does anyone know the process of how to this and how it can be done?



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  • chrishajer


    Do users have to log in at the blog and the forum separately, or are the logged into both simultaneously? I didn’t think that and 2.6.2 were cookie compatible, for logins.

    To do what you’re describing, you need to design a theme for bbPress that matches your WordPress theme. Short of doing that, you can include WordPress inside bbPress to have access to WordPress functions (like get_sidebar, get_header, get_footer.)

    You can also browse the tag integration to see how other people have approached the problem.



    OKay thanks for your reply.

    I shall have a look around.

    Great integration, I like the clean look!

    The easiest way I found to integrate the themes is to include the header and footer in the respective files from the wordpress theme folder. This can be seen @

    The only real issue I have is that the bbPress login is not available on the front page without adding static HTML. I decided to leave it as is, in my case I only want registered users posting in the forum.

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