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WordPress 3.0 beta with bbpress 1.0.2 integration

  • @xevo


    Hi there,

    I’m working on a bbpress 1.0.2, wordpress 3.0 beta and buddypress 1.2.3 setup, but now I’m having problems with my bbpress. I did the same setup with 2.9.2 and that worked great, but I’m guessing WordPress 3.0 changed a lot.

    Here’s what happened.

    I installed wordpress normally with a different username than “admin” with my own password, all went well. After that I installed buddypress as a plugin, this went like it should as well. Then when I reached the bbpress installation (step 2), I entered all the secret keys and salt as I had them in my wp-config.php and pressed next step, it said that everything was validated but then in step 3 it let me choose a keymaster username, which I find odd since 2.9.2 didn’t. I entered a username/e-mail and finished the setup without a problem. No problems encounterd in the setup was said in the setup logs. Now here’s the strange thing, it made the tables in my database (which is the database that holds wordpress as well) but it did not make a bb-config.php file, so when I went to the URL of the main forum page, it gave me an error (which is when I discovert that there was no bb-config.php). It also made “bb_users” and “bb_usermeta” in my database. I made bb-config.php myself after that with the same secret keys from wp-config and setup wp integration in bb-admin accordingly. This gave me shared cookie logins with my wordpress install (having bbpress intergration plugin installed in wordpress). But after having done all this, I cannot enter my bb-admin area anymore. I checked the files and figured out that the function bb_auth was causing me to be redirected to the main forum page.

    So my question is, anyone solved this problem yet or can you help me solve it?

    function bb_auth( $scheme = 'auth' ) { // Checks if a user has a valid cookie, if not redirects them to the main page
    if ( !bb_validate_auth_cookie( '', $scheme ) ) {
    if ( 'auth' === $scheme && !bb_is_user_logged_in() ) {
    wp_redirect( bb_get_uri( 'bb-login.php', array( 're' => $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] ), BB_URI_CONTEXT_HEADER + BB_URI_CONTEXT_BB_USER_FORMS ) );
    } else {
    wp_redirect( bb_get_uri( null, null, BB_URI_CONTEXT_HEADER ) );

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  • @gautamgupta


    This tutorial also explains integration for WordPress 3.0 – (WP 3.0 also has cookie salts). Haven’t dug into this yet, maybe will do later.



    First, clear your cache and you should have access again. If that doesn’t work then it’s a deeper issue.



    you should still be able to add a keymaster in 2.92. It’s no different. If it doesn’t then you need to check your cookie salts and keys again.

    The installation does not make the bb-config.php file. It should already be uploaded, all the installation does is update it with the info you add during the installation process (as long as you make it writeable, if not, you need to update it manually).

    Have you uninstalled buddypress completely i.e. deactivated the plugin, removed the tables and deleted the template pack?



    @ Gautam

    Will try that tutorial and follow it to the letter with a clean install later.

    @ GerikG

    First thing I tried, no luck.

    @ Kevin Muldoon

    My downloaded zip file only contained bb-config-sample.php. I have my folder writeable, so that not the problem either. I haven’t deinstalled buddypress yet, will try integrating bbpress with a clean install later. And to remind you, I’m trying to intergrate it with 3.0, not with 2.9.2.

    If anyone else has a solution, please let me know.



    So, wordpress 3.0 is to be released? Good news!!



    @ wlanguide

    Wordpress 3.0 beta is out already. Working on that release.

    Thanks for the help guys, just installed it on a clean install and followed all the steps in the tutorial mentioned above made it a succes. Setting topic to solved.



    I’ve integrated with 3.0 and 2.92 so it does work.

    Just to check: you did change bb-config-sample.php to bb-config.php didn’t you?



    Already got it working, did something wrong while installing bbpress back then.

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