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Widgets and Side Bar not showing in Forum

  • @chicken-review


    When I installed the bbPress Sidebar and added the widgets, it does not show up on the Forum on my website.

    I am using The Thesis Theme 1.8.5
    The bbPress version is 2.5.1

    I downloaded and activated the bbPress WP Tweaks for the sidebar and Widgets. I have tried all the wrappers in this plug-in.

    No matter what I do I can’t get the widgets to show up in the Forum so people can login or create a password.

    I have read all the documentation several times. Am I still missing something or is there something unsaid I should know already?

    Thanks for any help.

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  • @robin-w


    As far as I can see it all looks ok. Presume you have permalinks and that the forum slugs set as directed.

    If so try this – sometikes the bbpress sidebar doesn’t quite get there.

    Deactivate bbpress tweaks
    Dashboard>plugins>bbpress tweaks>deactivate

    Go into widgets

    And look at the bottom of the left hand side. You’ll see an “inactive sidebar”, with your entries on
    Below this is an “inactive widgets”
    Drag all the entries from the inactive sidebar to the inactive widgets area.
    This then allows wordpress to delete the sidebar
    I normally log out and in again at this stage – probably not needed, but I’ve never bothered to check
    Then basically reverse the above
    Re-enable bbpress tweaks
    You see the bbpress sidebar returns
    Drag the entries back from the inactive widgets area to the sidebar

    If this works, come back and let me know



    As far as I know I have the have permalinks and the forum slugs set as directed.

    I followed your instructions to the letter including logging out and then logging back in.

    I still do not see the sidebar with widgets when I go to the forum. There is still no way for customers to login.

    Do you have any other ideas? You have been the only one to offer any kind of help at all.

    Thank you.



    ok, plan b

    upload the “widget logic” plugin

    This lets you set widgets to appear in certain conditions

    Once uploaded, using your normal sidebar, you can set when a widget appears

    You’ll see a new box appear when you add/edit each widget saying “widget logic”. if you want it to appear on a forum page type

    If you want the widget to appear on other pages, but not obn the forum page type

    so you login widget would have the logic

    and appear only on forum pages

    If you didn’t want search on the forum page, you’d put

    on that widget and it will not appear



    Hey Robin, I downloaded the plugin and activated it. I tried both of these scripts and neither changed anything. 🙁



    googled ‘thesis theme & bbpress’ and got several hits saying that bbpress doesn’t function with thesis, and a link to a plugin that might fix it – worth a try or some more googling !

    Integrating bbPress to Thesis framework



    I had this same issue with the Canvas theme. Widget Logic plugin worked for me. Thanks!



    I’m using Avada and have/had similar issues. To solve it on my forum page I selected BBPress sidebar but did the widget-logic trick to my Blog sidebar, which made the necessary changes. Yep, I have no idea either, but that’s worked for me.



    I also have exactly same issue.




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