Hello Robin,
doesn’t work. It seems the same problem had this guy:
Sidebar on left for Forums, then right for Forum and Topic – Why?
The instruction didn’t work in his case also. Any other idea?
Did you try his solution?
with page.php and single.php
renaming into:
plugin-bbpress.php and bbpress.php
I meant adding his code to the style.css ?
why i shall add this into style css. i didn’t read anything about it.
Can you explain to me, what i shall do exactly?
The link you gave
Sidebar on left for Forums, then right for Forum and Topic – Why?
had this as his solution
Just swap the floating elements from left to right, where content becomes right and sidebar becomes left. Remember to end with the !important to override any other CSS. Code is thus:
.bbpress.single-forum #main #content {float:right!important;}
.bbpress.single-forum #main #sidebar {float:left!important;}
.bbpress.single-topic #main #content {float:right!important;}
.bbpress.single-topic #main #sidebar {float:left!important;}
You need to put the code in your style.css
Functions files and child themes – explained !
Hello Robin,
i add this into my style css as recommended, but no changing from right to left
i also have a custom css field for my theme. i added it there, also no changing.
i tried it yesterday after reading the article and i tried it today, but no success.
any other ideas?
ok, if you can’t get the right sidebars to show, just have one sidebar and use widget logic to decide what widgets show in which pages
then for each widget there is a widget logic box
is_bbpress() if you want that wiodget to appear in forums
!is_bbpress if you want it to appear in pages other than forums
and leave blank for both