thanks, I try TinyMCE and note some step for others need.
do u know which plugin use in this: (seem not like TinyMCE)
NAh don’t use tinyMCE it’s crap
FCKeditor is so much better
Also if I have the time, I am going to make a WYSIWYG editor for bbPress that uses open source scripts and will be 10 times smaller to install (also cause bbPress has limited functions to use), but thats far far far away for now
Null: What is it you don’t like about TinyMCE?
Just compare FCKeditor and TINYmce with image lining/placing, you’ll get the point
FCK is more user friendly in my oppinion
Right. I’m just trying to figure out which one I’m gonna use in my forum. Right now I’m leaning towards TinyMCE, since FCKeditor doesn’t work with Opera (even though TMCE takes forever to load in my test installation…)
Yeah I know that is my only minus for FCK at the moment. ALready tried mailing them about this cause Opera DOES support it, it just needs to be activated in FCK it self (or identify Opera as MSIE