on bb-templates/kakumei/front-page.php
<div id="hottags" role="main">
<h2><?php _e('Hot Tags'); ?></h2>
<p class="frontpageheatmap"><?php bb_tag_heat_map(); ?></p>
Zaerl – thank you so much from your help! Two minutes of your time saved my a whole afternoon!
After deleting the hottags section, I changed the style.css slighlty in order to gain more space for the forum:
#front-page #hottags -> changed width from 170px to 0px
#front-page #discussions -> changed margin-left to 0px and width to 760px
Everything is perfect now, thanks again!
I have deleted that div
as well, it takes a lot of space (I have placed the hot tags section just before the footer). Have a nice day.