In their profile page.
If they click on their gravatar and go to their profile page, it will show their subscriptions, favorites, and started threads.
I’m not seeing any such thing:
I’m using a skinned version of the default buddypress template.
I see, that is buddypress.
I don’t know how to manage favorites and subscriptions with buddypress, I don’t use it yet
**very nice website!**
I’m using bbpress Version 2.0.2 with BuddyPress Version 1.5.2.
So perhaps the question is: anyone know how to get bbpress’s profile page displaying in the BuddyPress template? I didn’t realize there was a difference.
Yeah, I am not sure at the moment, but I will be trying buddyPress integration some time next week. Maybe someone else can chime in with an idea.
Yeah, good catch.
I’m guessing it’s probably best to wait for buddyPress 1.6 as it’s going to have much better integration with bbPress.
There is going to be a bit more involved to it, than following what the other thread mentions. Unfortunately I have not yet spent time reading buddyPress code base to know what actions to edit.
Does anyone with BuddyPress+bbpress experience have any insight on this issue? BuddyPress 1.6 is a long way off…
I’m thinking to merge the WP + BuddyPress + bbPress, but just maybe it still need more time until everything is smooth in integration.
I will follow this thread.