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Where to file bug reports for bbpress 2.0x?

  • @symetrikdesign


    I have found a couple of bugs, or conflicts with other modules.

    Where is the best location to post these?

    Here’s what I found so far:

    Wordpress 3.2.1

    bbPress 2.0 RC3

    Twenty Ten Theme

    Bug 1) When using WordPress SEO by Yoast plugin, I am able to set the Page Title for forums, topics, and replies. This works for topics/replies, but for forums, the token is displayed instead of the site name.

    Settings: %%title%% | %%sitename%%

    Output is: My First Forum | %%sitename%%

    It should be: My First Forum | My Site Name

    Bug 2) When using the Rating-Widget to 5 star ratings of posts/pages/comments, etc, You cannot turn off the ratings stars for forums, forum topics. These should only show up when viewing the individual topics, not in the indexes.

    I can’t see a way to turn this off for forums or forum topic indexes.

    I can send a screenshot to explain the issue.

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