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Where are this theme's files coming from?

  • @melilyn


    I’m trying to integrate bbpress into a custom WP theme I’ve made myself. I downloaded a theme that seemed perfect for me to start from, essentially a sandbox-esque theme. I got it from here (scroll down to 1col_fixed, there’s really no working direct link). I edited some files (header.php, footer.php, and front-page.php) and got EXACTLY the look I wanted. It looks fantastic with my site.

    However as soon as I stray off the main page, it starts looking hairy. There are NO files to edit so that I can change the forum list view, the topic view, or any other page. The readme file says the following:

    bbPress themes can be kept mean and lean. bbPress will pick up any missing mandatory

    template files from the default template. Use this to keep your themes simple.

    Yes, well, what if I need to customize THEM? Where do I get these files to edit them? Or would it, after all, be easier to start from a different theme?

    Thanks… the sooner someone can get back to me on this, the better; I’m kind of on a tight schedule!

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  • @johnhiler


    That 1col_fixed theme only has front-page.php, header.php, footer.php, and a few other miscellaenous files.

    If bbPress can’t find a particular template file, it will pull the ones from the default theme, Kakumei (stored in /bb-templates/kakumei )

    More here:

    I would copy the missing files from kakumei over to your 1col_fixed theme, and then you can edit them right there. Good luck!



    Would it be easier just to start with kakumei?



    Sure start with kakumei, then copy the 1col_fixed files over the kakumei files… and see if that looks ok. If so, go from there!

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