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Where are the Forums?

  • @equilibs


    New to Buddypress/Bbpress and trying to test it on a localhost installation
    I have all the latests versions and the installation seemed to work smoothly
    I have enabled both group forums and site wide forums (even though my problem is consistant even when disabling the group forums)

    The problem:
    I’be opened several forums from the admin panel but can’t find them on the site!
    when I get on my Forums page (http://localhost:29138/forums/) I reach to a “Forums Directory” page with an ability to add new topic, and a list of topics (from the groups forums!?) but no track to the list of my desired site-wide forums.

    I tried to edit the forums page and insert the forum index shortcode but it had no effect

    any help would be appreciated

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  • @mercime


    If you have the same slug (forums) for your BP Group forums and Sitewide forums then the Group forums will prevail over the forums/ page. Either change the slug by creating a new Page with different name for the BP Group Forums and associate new Page in Setttings > BuddyPress > Pages plus remove the bbPress shortcode from Forums Page or change the slug for the Sitewide Forums and create a new Page with the new slug and add the bbPress shortcode.



    Thanks for your reply!

    It only worked after deleting the auto-generated page and creating a new one



    Forum is something in which you could put up your queries and other persons of the forum will read that and if possible they will answer to your queries.

    By this you can share anything you want like your happiness,problem,party,friends anything.


    have a good time..

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