This is one of the new FSE themes, so you need a fix to work with bbpress.
bbp style pack
once activated, navigate to
dashboard>settings>bbp style pack, and you should see the first tab called ‘Theme Support’ – if you don’t see this, come back.
In that tab, select
Enable Theme Support
and save
The forums should then display
I Can`t Find “Theme Support” Tab.

you are using twenty twenty four – yes ?
it should show – try deactivating and reactivating the plugin
It works! Thanks!
Hopely bbPress Offcial Can be Native Support Block Theme.
Just in case anyone is looking for a solution, I’ve just released a plugin fixing the bbPress display in block themes.
The plugin needs to undergo a WordPress plugins repository review, which queue times are long currently, before being available at WordPress plugin repository. So, meanwhile you can download bbPress for Block Themes plugin at GitHub.
Interesting – my style pack plugin has a fix for block themes, but from very little knowledge of FSE. I’m away for the next few weeks, but will be interesting to take a look at the code you have done.
Hi @robin-w,
Feel free to study the code at
Thank you for your fix via your bbp style pack plugin. As far as I understand, your plugin also provides means to style bbPress plugin. In my plugin this is not an option – it really just enables bbPress for block themes.
For how the plugin actually works check the info in readme.txt
@robin-w, FYI, the main code which provides the compatibility can be found in includes/Compatibility.php
thanks for all that – I’ll take a good look when I get back
as a by the by, they might ask you to change the title – they made me change one I inherited which started with ‘bbpress’ they said made it look like it was owned and written by bbpress whose name is owned by WordPress. There as plenty of plugins that do this already and haven’t been asked so you may get away with it, but I had to change it from ‘bbPress Topics for Posts’ to ‘Post Comments as bbPress Topics’
Thanks, I’m aware of this and will deal with it after the plugin is approved.
There is a pull request (on GitHub) to bring support for this into bbPress, and I hope to review it soon!