It is done through CSS and blockquote. We don’t have it in the stylesheet here in these forums, but can be done easily. The image for the quote is here. Just download a copy of it to put in on your server. The CSS for that particular one would then be:
.post blockquote {background: url('/path-to-your-image/quote.gif') no-repeat;margin-left: 175px;padding:5px;border:1px solid #a3a3a3;}
Thanks! I did it!!
So happy.
Is there a place where I can donate $?
bbPress is brought to you by Automattic, the corporation. Not sure if there is a place to donate to this project or not…..I don’t think anyone has ever asked!
I am responsible for taking donations on Automattic’s behalf. Plz send all your money now.
Incidentally, I’m a Nigerian banker and a wealthy white man has just died. Please tell me all your bank details so I can send you lots of mooneh.
Sorry, I just now saw this – glad Trent was able to help.
Of course, if you’d like to donate to me, I’ll send you my PayPal account!
Just kidding. Most of the themes seem to lack blockquote CSS, which is really unfortunate IMO.