Apologies for bringing this up again but I’m stiffed if I can figure out how the single-view template files are used either.
Anyone figure this out?
Topic views are specific ways to group topics together based on any criteria. bbPress comes with 1 view: Topics with no replies. Developers are free to extend the views in bbPress, much like we have here at bbPress.org with the support plugin.
Ah topic views, that points me in the right direction thanks. For reference then if anyone needs it that means you can do stuff like this:
add_action('bbp_register_views', 'view_popular_topics');
function view_popular_topics() {
bbp_register_view('popular-topics', __('Popular Topics'), array('meta_key' => '_bbp_reply_count', 'orderby' => 'meta_value_num'), false );
Then link to the view with:
<a href="<?php bbp_view_url('popular-topics'); ?>"><?php bbp_view_title('popular-topics'); ?></a>
There’s a couple of informative posts re this here:
Hi all,
Is there a way to create a view that is limited to a specific forum?