What do you do with long user names?
I noticed two problems with long user names;
1 they make front page table row to expand. Here in front-page.php
<td class=”num”><?php topic_last_poster(); ?></td>
and the same for syperstickies row (btw, how do you post a sticky thread?
This is a poblem in my template because it is a 800px fixed width.
2 in topic view they make this div ‘.threadauthor’ to expand as well
What do you do to handdle this two issues?
I don’t handle the first issue. What you could do is change the
<td class="num">
to this:<td class="num authorlist">
Then at the bottom of your theme’s
add:.authorlist {
max-width: 75px;
}or similar. You can add a similar
rule to the style for.threadauthor
to the same effect: in FF and IE7, they will not exceed the intended width.You don’t make stickes, you promote them: just above the “Move this topic” bit when you edit topics there are links to
Stick topic
(to the forum only) and(to front)
(so it’s at the top of the front-page list too).As fel64 notes, max-width works well in FF and IE7. However, since max-width may have problems in IE6, you may want to try this alternate CSS:
.authorlist {
width: 75px;
overflow: hidden;
Hi fel64! Thanks for your answer
There are two problems with max-width (I just checked);
1 it doesn’t work in IE6
2 In FF and IE7 you can fix the css box but the long name gets out of the box, just like it happens with the template of this forum
I noticec this same issue sometime ago when posting in the wordpress forum.
1. That’s true. I’m personally ditching IE6s, they deserve what they get.
2. Sorry! Just add
overflow: hidden;
like bobby suggested and they will simply be cut off – also like this forum’s template when a username is too long next to their post.Thanks bobbyh098 (we posted at once) and fel64;
width + overflow hidden made the trick
“1. That’s true. I’m personally ditching IE6s, they deserve what they get.”
I’m tired of IE6 too but unfortunatelly it seems it is the most used browser yet;
I installed a portable version of IE7 too, just to check compability, and I think it ignores all your css typography O_O
That’s strange, I’ve personally found 7 to be pretty reasonable with CSS. Got a link so I can check it out?
I’ve fortunately got pretty different results on my website – only about 1/5 of users are IE6ers. Significant but luckily it doesn’t include me.
I can’t fix the width of the front page row. Tried this;
<td class=”numaut”>
and then;
.numaut {width: 50px;
an it doesn’t hide the overflow
It just expands its column.
Perhaps replacing that tables with css boxes?
“That’s strange, I’ve personally found 7 to be pretty reasonable with CSS. Got a link so I can check it out?”
->it is because the cleartype thing -> http://blogs.msdn.com/ie/archive/2006/02/03/524367.aspx
I can’t turn off cleartype in a portable version and I think you can’t have both, IE and IE7, in any other way. Whenever you try to install IE7 it removes IE6.
I’m sure “non geek” users will take their time to find out how to disable this thing.
ganzua, can you post a link to your forum so we can take a look at the html/css?
Also, to get both IE6 and IE7 on the same Windows machine, check this out:
* http://tredosoft.com/Multiple_IE
I have it installed on this machine, and it’s fantastic and very stable.
“ganzua, can you post a link to your forum so we can take a look at the html/css?”
-> I didn’t upload yet, sorry, as soon as I finish I’ll post a link so you can check everything.
I’m working in my computer yet.
I integrated wp and bb, and I removed bbpress header, footer and stylesheet. Now I’m using wp header, footer, sidebar and stylesheet for both, wp and bb.
I still have to find out what to do with login and profile forms because I have two instances of each one, one for bbpress and one for wp.
Besides I have to find out how to integrate emoticons, toolbar in forms (I have quicktags in bb and tinymce in wordpress) , post count, avatars… In fact I do not even know if all this is possible.
“to get both IE6 and IE7 on the same Windows machine, check this out:
* http://tredosoft.com/Multiple_IE”
-> Thanks for the tip! I’m checking the link
Avatars is easy to integrate – takes just a few lines of code if you’re using Louisedade’s Upload Avatar plugin in bb. There’s a good post count plugin in the plugin section I think, if what you want is to get the post count from WP also then you just have to rewrite the query for $wpdb. You can get quicktags for wordpress, it comes up after a google. Emoticons: I believe that bb grins (not in plugin section, search the forums themselves) is a port of the WP version. So it’s all possible, and if you have any problems just ask.
“if you have any problems just ask.”
-> thanks fel64! . I’ll go step by step. I’m going to solve the login and profile issue first because I’m having an idea
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