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what are the issues with wpmu & bbpress?

  • @maker


    I’m thinking about changing my wp installations over to wpmu so I can have more artists projects but I would (probably) like to keep my bbpress as the main page.

    There seems to be a bit of difficulty with integrating wpmu with bbpress.

    Am I better off waiting until at least bb 1.0?

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  • @drmike


    There seems to be a bit of difficulty with integrating wpmu with bbpress.

    I disagree. You pretty much drop three lines into the config file for bbpress, use the same database and it’s set.

    The two lines to share the cookies: Link

    And this line to use the user table from wpmu.

    define('CUSTOM_USER_TABLE', 'wp_users');

    And IIRC, that’s already in the config file, just commented out.

    Hope this helps,




    Darn it, I forgot that blockquote is not styled in this forum…..that is a problem that I will have dealt with! I changed your post drmike to the code tag for now as it didn’t read right without a formatting of some kind!




    cool. best I read up on WPMU then.

    thanks guys.



    Hmm, I tried code (well teh backticks) in there when I noticed that the blockquotes didn’t work. In Netscape they looked teh same so I went back to just using the blockquote.

    Moderators have backend access, right Trent? You should change that. ;)


    And this line to use the user table from wpmu.

    define('CUSTOM_USER_TABLE', 'wp_users');

    And IIRC, that's already in the config file, just commented out.

    i don’t have these lines in my bbpress config file…do i need them?


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