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what als to do ??

  • @folindo


    I made the Installation made the change on hte config file uploded it

    antel I got

    1- the control panle (Control panel | File manager | Create/delete MySQL database | Support tickets | Account settings )

    2- am getting onther page calld phpmyadmin ( phpMyAdmin – 2.8.2 ,MySQL – 5.0.27-Debian_0.dotdeb.1 )

    3- Your URL:

    now what als should I do ?

    am not gitting the form it self if I press on the lnke ( ) I will get this page

    (( If you can see this, your account has been successfully created.

    You may now add content to this directory and replace this page.

    You are solely responsible for the contents of your site.

    Any inappropriate sites will be deleted with no warning.

    Thank you for using our services.

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    what should be the next step ???????

    please help

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  • @folindo


    ERROR: Could not establish a database connection



    The details for connecting to your database are wrong. What details do you have from the host for connecting the the database?



    Database name

    Database host

    those four?

    Did you enter the database host when you were installing? The field to enter the host is not visible until you check the “show advanced settings” box in step 2 when you are installing.



    I enterd all the information exept the advanced setting I didn’t even open it

    now how can I go back

    thanks for helping chrishajer



    If you open up bb-config.php in your bbpress directory, you can edit it manually and add the database host setting.

    /** MySQL hostname */
    define( 'BBDB_HOST', 'localhost' );

    Change localhost there to whatever host your hosting company told you to use for the database. You should be able to continue installation from there. You might need to restart the installation.



    // ** MySQL settings – You can get this info from your web host ** //

    /** The name of the database for bbPress */

    define( ‘BBDB_NAME’, ‘aaadsfgdfgdfgdfgdgd_vb’ );

    /** MySQL database username */

    define( ‘BBDB_USER’, ‘aasdfsdfsdfsdfd_222’ );

    /** MySQL database password */

    define( ‘BBDB_PASSWORD’, ’12sdfsdfsdfsdf123′ );

    /** MySQL hostname */

    define( ‘BBDB_HOST’, ‘’ );

    /** Database Charset to use in creating database tables. */

    define( ‘BBDB_CHARSET’, ‘1212312312312_vb’ );

    /** The Database Collate type. Don’t change this if in doubt. */

    define( ‘BBDB_COLLATE’, ” );

    this is it I did the same way as it shown upove change it sometimes

    I left the database collate type as it was and change it

    with all the change I made I couldn’t get through :)

    thank aloooooooooot for your help

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