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visibility by user role

  • waprothero


    I want to set forum visibility for different user roles. Is there a way to implement this? I have installed bbpress v2.6.9

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  • waprothero


    I forgot to set reply notification. No other purpose for this post.

    Robin W


    My private groups plugin lets you

    create groups
    assign forums to those groups
    assign roles to the groups

    thus giving you what you want.

    Private groups



    Robin, thank you. I had installed the plug-in, but I gave up on it. However, I’ll give it another try. I have set certain forums to private in the dashboard, so they are not visible to non-logged in visitors. For logged in visitors, I want specific forums to be invisible to members role, but visible to author role. Seems simple.

    Do you have a quicky procedure for doing this? I spend too much time fiddling with various settings, to get the desired result otherwise. Thanks for your contributions to this great forum tool.

    Robin W


    so in

    dashboard>settings>bbp private groups>Group name settings – set up groups called ‘members’ and ‘author’

    then in

    dashboard>forums>edit forum – set each forum to be assigned to whichever group you want it to be visible to, and set the forum to be public (private groups will then hide it)

    then in

    dashboard>settings>bbp private groups>assign groups to roles – set authors to see the author group and members to see the member group

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