I meant “replies” of course
Not quite sure why, but the replies class is not showing
Try adding
.forums.bbp-replies {
clear: both !important;
to your style.css
Functions files and child themes – explained !
that fixed it in my browser
Thank you very much, it fixed the issue.
Probably a problem in the theme, don’t see another reason.
In the same way, would you have a suggestion on the fact that the username is not appearing in the profile page over or under the picture?
could be something similar.
The profile name is actually the page header from wordpress, and you are not displaying these.
you could add it to the bbpress template for that page.
If you have ftp access and are able to copy and paste files, I’ll come back with how !
Yes I have complete access to FTP.
ok, so
create a directory on your theme called ‘bbpress’
ie wp-content/themes/%your-theme-name%/bbpress
where %your-theme-name% is the name of your theme
Make a copy of this file, and put in in the directory called bbpress that you created above, so you end up with
bbPress will now use this template instead of the original
Now edit that file so that you add a new line between line 16 & 17 which currently read
<div id="bbp-single-user-details">
<div id="bbp-user-avatar">
so add
<h1> <?php bbp_displayed_user_field( 'display_name' ); ?> </h1>
after this line so that you end up with
<div id="bbp-single-user-details">
<h1> <?php bbp_displayed_user_field( 'display_name' ); ?> </h1>
<div id="bbp-user-avatar">
as the three lines.
and save
It should now display