Hey gerikg thanks for the help
I uploaded that file and activated it then made a new user but no dice, The user in bbpress didn’t get a role of member.
Any other ideas ?
Are you running any WordPress plugins that affect your registration process?
I am using aMember http://www.amember.com/ that is the membership script users get created in this program when signing up, aMember is set to use subscriber as the default role see > http://helpdock.net/screenshots/456d96758a11f190be049b744a1a1d2d.png
So when the user gets an account in BBpress its is to inactive > http://helpdock.net/screenshots/25466e9bed803fb529b152ff074986e2.png
I’m guessing that’s probably interfering with bbPress creating new roles properly then in the user’s meta data. Try deactivating it and seeing registering works or not.
So I disabled aMember and activated the plugin https://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/add-bbpress-default-role/
Signed up for an account on http://example.com/wp-login.php?action=register
And the user got added to the BBpress user list but no role is set, its set to Inactive.
So its not aMember as far as I can tell. its something between WordPress and BBpress
That plugin shouldn’t even be necessary. I’m not sure to be honest then, integration isn’t my strong point.
I was thinking of editing a Core file, So I need to locate the file that makes the user a member instead of inactive.
Any one know what file that might be?
Would it be in this file maybe? bb-admin/options-wordpress.php
Basically I want to make the inactive user to be a member by default.
I’m afraid options-wordpress.php
is just the bbPress/WordPress options page and a bit of code. bbPress functions are under the includes directories.
That last plugin hasn’t been updated since January and is only compatible up to wordpress 2.7. It only adds a default role to bbpress, but if you’ve matched your wordpress and bbpress roles, this isn’t necessary, if it ever was.
A plugin should not be necessary in order for someone to register on a wordpress blog or on bbpress. Under the Settings/General you have a place to set the default role for new members; Subscriber, Administrator, Editor, Author, or Contributor for wordpress and those roles can be matched up to bbpress roles under Settings/WordPress Integration.
aMember.com mentions wordpress integration but not bbpress on their site, so I think that might be the issue.
It’s happening to me. WPMU 2.8.4a+BB 1.0.2+BP 1.0.3 I’m going to try to use
I’ll let you know, I have a lot of users so it might take a while…
I click on Rebuild and it worked.
Having the same issues here, saw the plugin on wpmu-enable-bbpree-capabilities but I would wait a little until some one more experienced here would say something.
Basically the issue is that after installation and synch between bbpress and wordpress I see that the new users (except admin) have their roles assigned to Inactive.
Any help please ?
I was trying to figure out where I downloaded this plugin, but the author’s site isn’t really up at the moment.
What this does is check if the current user (once logged in) has a role. If he doesn’t, it gives them the default bbPress role.
If anyone can find the original download link, mods, feel free to remove the link to my zip file.
Greenshady – here’s the author of that plugin:
Here’s where it came from I think:
I don’t see that it was ever added as a plugin. It’s worthwhile to leave it here I think.
This plugin works great, thanks!!
This doesn’t seem to be working for me, all users seem to be assigned a default profile from my wordpress sync plugin. They are assessed as anonymous for some reason and given a specific profile from that plugin.
@wpJunkie, did you find any kind of resolution? I’m launching a site with a very similar setup, also using aMember. It’s been a challenge. I don’t remember if I’ve tested the ability to post to forums yet. I was wondering if you’re using the latest version of WPMU + BuddyPress (with bbPress built in) or if you were using one of the earlier versions of BuddyPress where bbPress was not built in with it.
For the info of anyone chancing up on this.
wrt The plugin that justin mentions above. After integrating bbpress and wp 3.0.1, i had my existing members showing up in bbpress as inactive. Not: inactive (no role)
I changed the plugin as follows: – added the else line
function inactive_to_member() {
$userID = bb_get_current_user_info( 'id' );
$user_obj = new BP_User( $userID );
$user = bb_get_user( bb_get_user_id( $userID ) );
if(empty($user->capabilities)) {
else if (is_array($user->capabilities) and ($user->capabilities['inactive'])) $user_obj->set_role('member');
add_action ('bb_head', 'inactive_to_member', 5, 0);
anmari thank you for contributing that line of code, I’m very thankful I happen to find this. Thank you thank you!
Try this plugin https://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/members . By using this plugin you can easily create new and existing users rules. You can see some screenshot here.
Select Components Screen
Edit Roles Component
New Roles Component
Content Permission
This reply was modified 12 years, 7 months ago by
Asif Mushtaq.