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User Roles not showing

  • @chadjj


    Ok… so I’ve been working on this all day. I installed BuddyPress, then I installed bbPress. The only other plugin installed at the time was Jetpack. I’m using Thememakers Blessing Theme on WP 3.8.3 and the latest BuddyPress and bbPress plugins.

    However, I went to create a new user (participant) and noticed that none of the new roles usually created when installing bbPress were there. I still only have the standard roles created when WP is installed.

    Here are the steps I’ve taken. I uninstalled all other active plugins. I uninstalled BuddyPress and bbPress. (completely deleted) I changed themes to a more generic theme (TwentyThirteen). So I was basically back to a fresh install of WordPress. I’m working on a new site that is not live yet so no big deal.

    I went and re-installed bbPress and still nothing. No new roles. No Keymaster, no participant… nothing. I’ve been searching for quite a while and I can’t find that anyone else has had this issue.

    Does anyone have any thoughts? Thanks.

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  • @chadjj


    Bueller? Bueller? Anyone?

    So here is what I have done since. I created a fresh install of WP 3.9. Deactivated any default apps. Installed BuddyPress. Installed bbPress. Checked to see what roles were created. None. Still had the standard WP Roles.

    Can someone please correct me if I am wrong? Isn’t bbPress supposed to create the following roles:

    There is a good chance that I am totally missing something here and this is an easy fix. Does anyone have any thoughts? Suggestions?

    If I’m just being totally ignorant and new roles don’t get created. Please tell me that too. Thanks!



    Hi, sorry you didn’t get answered the first time

    bbpress roles are separate to wordpress roles, and confusingly don’t appear as part of the user creation.


    go into

    Dashboard>users>set up new user

    set up your user for wordpress, and click confirm/save or whatever it says.

    It will come back with a screen saying ‘user created – edit user’ click the edit part and go back into the user (you can also do this anytime by just editing the user through ‘all users’)

    At the bottom of this screen you will now see forum role, and here you set their forum level.

    Click save, and you user will now have the appropriate forum level access.

    I know you’ll be screaming by now – I’m just a volunteer so don’t blame me that this is how it works !

    If you go back up to the worpress roles, you also see in the wordpress role dropdown that you can set “no role for this site” – so you can have a user who has say participant role for the forums but no role for the wordpress bit. I use this in conjunction with the ‘restrict content’ plugin to have a membership site where club members have access through the wordpress subscriber role to members only pages (and access to the forums through the participant role), whilst letting non-members access and contribute to the forums by having no wordpress role, but just a bbpress participant role.

    Come back if any of that isn’t clear !



    Wow… I set up a forum using bbPress a few years ago and I don’t remember it being that way… 🙂

    Thanks for the reply! Very much appreciated!



    Great – glad you’re fixed !

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