User profile page being treated as blog post
My company’s website uses a custom wordpress theme, and we’ve been adding bbpress compatibility to it directly (rather than using a child theme). We’ve been working on a staging server initially, before installing the updated theme on the main site.
We got everything working very nicely on the staging server, but the main one seems to have problems. Here’s an example:
- A sample user page: – It seems to be using some data internally from the blog. The article id is “post-561” which actually corresponds to this blog post:
- The fact that it’s been treated as a blog post means that it’s been structured and styled slightly differently too, and is getting related classes to the tags from the blog post.
I’m very confused, because supposedly there’s no difference in setup between the staging server and the live one.
I have a single top level template file for the forums: forum.php, which looks like this:
get_header(); ?> <!-- ?php comments_template( '', true ); ? --> <!-- .left-column --> <!-- .right-column --> <!-- #content -->
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