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Url in Meta Title bbpress pages

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  • @robin-w



    I’m sure there is a question in there somewhere, but I have no idea what it is.

    Can you come back and explain
    What the issue is
    what is currently showing
    when or where it is showing it wrongly, and where correctly
    and how you would like it to show




    Hi Robin,

    The issue is that the meta title displays the url when Yoast wordpress SEO is activated. I saw this issue only for the profile, search and tag pages of bbpress all the others pages look fine with the page name and site name.

    Here is a print screen of meta titles of serveral pages :



    @vegas778 – I’m just a humble wordpres/bbpress user, and it may well be that I cannot help you, but I’ll try if I can.

    I tried googling meta title, but that phrase doesn’t seem to exist.

    You have again posted several pages, but I still don’t know which are ‘correct’ and which are ‘wrong’ in your view, and to be frank, which bit the meta title is?



    Sorry I thought “Meta Title” was well known. Here you’ll find an explanation :

    I said that the issue was only on profile, search and tag bbpress pages, so all the print screen on the left side are “wrong”. The 2 on the right side are “correct”.



    Live and learn 🙂

    Maybe a theme or plugin issue?


    wp 4.0
    bp 2.5.4
    theme : twentyten
    Yoast SEO

    I get

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