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URL goes blank on creating forum/ topic in BBpress 2.6.11

  • prashpbt


    Hello ,

    I was in the process of checking BBpress 2.6.11 . I installed WP 6.0.9 on Centos 7 with Apache 2.2, MYSQL 5.5, PHP 5.6.40. Added BBpress from plugins menu .

    However, after creating a forum or post topic , when I try to view the same , the URL that goes to http://{{URL}}/{{TO}}/{{WP}}/forums/forum/{{forum-name}}/ is blank and no content is shown.

    Also enabled debugging in wp-config.php i.e define( ‘WP_DEBUG’, true );, however, no error is being thrown.

    I checked with the latest 6.5.5 version as well on PHP 7.4, MYSQL 5.7 but this doesn’t work.

    What could be causing the issue?. Could you please replicate this at your end?.

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  • Robin W


    I suspect you are using an FSE theme, so you need a fix to work with bbpress.

    bbp style pack

    once activated, navigate to

    dashboard>settings>bbp style pack, and you should see the first tab called ‘Theme Support’ – if you don’t see this, come back.

    In that tab, select

    Enable Theme Support

    and save

    The forums should then display



    Hello Robin,

    I am using the default Twenty Twenty-Two Version: 1.2 theme provided by WordPress in version WP 6.0.9, without any customizations.

    Does that too need the above fix you mentioned?.

    Also I have earlier version of BBpress i.e 2.6.9 working fine with WordPress 5.8 installed on one of a server, which works absolutely fine without any such issues.

    Any way to debug the possible cause ?. Cause no errors in apache logs as well.

    Robin W


    ok, you are doing stuff with combinations of old versions of software – I can only help with current.

    Wordpress 6.x dramatically changed how WordPress works, and Twenty Twenty-Two is one of the new FSE themes.

    So on WordPress 6.5.5 with Twenty Twenty-Two you will need the fix mentioned above. BBpress 2.6.11 is the current version of bbpress and should also be used.





    Hello Robin,

    Shall check with 6.5.5 + bbp style pack. Thanks for the suggestion.

    However , I would like to suggest you to integrate bbp style pack within bbpress itself. So that users wont have to take an extra step and install bbp style pack.

    Kindly let me know if that’s possible.


    Robin W


    I am not a bbpress author, so cannot do that – sorry

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