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unregistered users can't see topic

  • @n-hutter



    If a unregistered user enters my page he can see all forums and topics. But inside of a topic he can only see the title and the answers. The topic text is missing. Any ideas how to fix that? Thanks

    – allready tried to reinstall the plugin
    – forums are public
    – anonymous posts are not allowed

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  • @n-hutter



    Well and there also the same problem with my customers. Short overview:

    Wordpress Role | bbPress Role | Works?

    Super Admin | Keymaser | Yes
    Subscriber | Participant | Yes
    Customer (WooCommerce) | Participant | No
    Unregistered | Unregistered | No



    It could be a theme or plugin issue


    Deactivate all but bbpress and see if this fixes. if it does, re-enable one at a time to see which is causing the error.


    If plugins don’t pinpoint the problem, switch to a default theme such as twentytwelve, and see if this fixes.



    Thanks for the answer. I’ve tested all plugins and the theme like you told me to.
    The problem comes form the UAM – User Access Manager ( I need this plugin to protect some parts of the website (not the forum). Any idea how to solve this?



    ok, I’ve seen UAM before but not used it.

    If I understand correctly you want to protect posts and pages, but not the forums.

    That should be doable.

    bbpress uses 3 types of custom post


    It may be that you need to look that you’ve not set UAM restrictions on topics and replies thinking that these were WP not bbpress? That would explain the result you are getting.



    I’ve made 2 groups in UAM, one for partners and one to lock pages. Both aren’t bound to WordPress / bbPress Roles. If i create a page or a post i can choose one of this groups or not. If i choose one, only the members of the group can see the page / post (this works) and all subpages too (recursively).
    The forum is open to all users so the forum page has no group selected. I can’t change anything else without knowing more about bbPress or UAM. And i know nothing about it =P
    Could something in the topic template cause this problem or is it more a core problem?
    Do you maybe know an other plugin to lock pages (with user groups) if we can’t find a solution for this one?



    How urgent? – I’m working on some other stuff at the moment, but I could load UAM in a few days and take a look.



    Thanks for your support.
    The page is live and in use. So as soon as possible for you. But it’s the main tool for subscribers and at least it works for them. It would be great if you could load UAM and test it in a few days.



    ok, I’ve just loaded UAM on a twentyten theme with bbpress.

    I set up 2 groups

    Name Description Read access Write access Role affiliation IP range
    partners partners description only group users only group users none none
    lock pages lock pages description only group users only group users none none

    I then set one page to have lock pages access

    I have changed nothing on UAM settings, so these are all default.

    With unregistered users, this works fine – all topics and their contents are visible. Until I can re-create what you are getting, it is not worth trying logged in users !

    Can you try the plugin without woocommerce just to see if it is UAM & Woocommerce & bbpress that is the issue? and then with twentyten just for a moment.

    After that, if no luck, please list what you have for all UAM settings, and I’ll see if that makes a difference.

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