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Understand forums structure

  • @jessicana



    I built my forums by using this hierarchy: categories>Forums>topics except for one forum that I built as:
    Categories>parent forums>child forums>topics
    Parent forums fall under categories and child forums fall under parent forums. Topics fall under child forums. I want it this way.

    On the child forums page that I linked with topics I get this message: “Oh bother! No topics were found here!” Well, I know but site visitors don’t know this and I don’t want them to know this.

    I believe if we make the hierarchy like:
    Categories (Parent to parent forums)
    Parent forums (Parent to child forums)
    Child forums (Parent to topics)

    Users should not get a message saying: “Oh bother! No topics were found here!” on the child forums page.

    Please advice. Am I doing it the wrong way?

    I appreciate your help specially moderators.

    @johnjamesjacoby @netweb

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  • @casiepa


    Hi Jessicana,
    If you want to make it yourself very easy, install my ‘bbP Toolkit’ where you can just flag away these boxes.
    If you don’t want to install the plugin but want to play with CSS, then the below should hide the message, but not only that one as also these ones will be gone:
    โ€“ You must be logged in to create new topics
    โ€“ Your account has the ability to post unrestricted HTML content
    – Maximum file size allowed
    – …

    .bbp-template-notice {
    	display: none;
    .bbp-template-notice.warning {
    	display: block;

    EDIT: Moderators are asleep, ssssttt !




    ‘bbP Toolkitโ€™ did not work for multisite for me. Does it work for multisites?



    Ahhh, correct, not supported on MU yet, sorry. Check later for the plugin if you’re interested.
    For now use the CSS.




    I will revise the structure of the forums to make them: Category>forum>topics



    but any way, I should not receive any message when I use categories>parent forums>child foums>topics.
    This is a deficiency in bbpress to show such messages.



    I’m wondering if this is related to the WordPress 4.4 issue…

    can you update to WordPress 4.4.1 and let me know if it is still an issue or 4.4.1 fixes the issue please ๐Ÿ™‚

    WordPress 4.4.1 Security and Maintenance Release



    > If you donโ€™t want to install the plugin but want to play with
    > CSS, then the below should hide the message…

    Thanks, Pascal: That worked perfectly!

    Eric Pretorious
    Portland, OR



    > Thanks, Pascal: That worked perfectly!

    One, very important correction: If visitors to the site aren’t logged in, they see nothingnot even the warning that “You must be logged in to…” ๐Ÿ™

    There must be an easy way to do away with that “Oh bother!…” bit of text without leaving visitors in the dark. ๐Ÿ™

    Maybe I should just manually change the source:

    [root@cp bbpress]# grep -r bother *
    languages/bbpress.pot:msgid "Oh bother! No forums were found here!"
    languages/bbpress.pot:msgid "Oh bother! No replies were found here!"
    languages/bbpress.pot:msgid "Oh bother! No search results were found here!"
    languages/bbpress.pot:msgid "Oh bother! No topics were found here!"
    templates/default/bbpress/feedback-no-topics.php:	<p><?php _e( 'Oh bother! No topics were found here!', 'bbpress' ); ?></p>
    templates/default/bbpress/feedback-no-replies.php:	<p><?php _e( 'Oh bother! No replies were found here!', 'bbpress' ); ?></p>
    templates/default/bbpress/feedback-no-search.php:	<p><?php _e( 'Oh bother! No search results were found here!', 'bbpress' ); ?></p>
    templates/default/bbpress/feedback-no-forums.php:	<p><?php _e( 'Oh bother! No forums were found here!', 'bbpress' ); ?></p>

    Eric Pretorious
    Portland, OR

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