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Unable to parse URL … /bbpress/bb-includes/ on line 596

  • @iftomkins


    I’m receiving this error in my bbPress installation:

    Warning: parse_url(/forums/bb-login.php?re= [function.parse-url]: Unable to parse URL in /home/alan/public_html/forums/bb-includes/ on line 596

    It seems to be triggered by the when the user tries to perform an action, like “Add New Topic”. And since you have to be logged in for that, it redirects to the login screen (with a redirection URL embedded in the URL for after login), and that’s when the error occurs.

    Doing a Google search, I found lots of other bbPress sites that have the same error visibile right now. Here’s one, for example.

    Warning: parse_url(/bbpress/bb-login.php?re= [function.parse-url]: Unable to parse url in /nfs/c07/h01/mnt/98594/domains/ on line 596

    Any tips would be much appreciated! I checked my bbPress installation URL, and it seems good

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  • @zaerl


    Actually speaking PHP core function parse_url does generate a E_WARNING when the URL cannot be parsed. This happens if the server is running PHP < 5.3.3.

    You really should turn off error reporting modifying bb-load.php line 25 (the error_reporting( E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE ); line).

    After a quick (very quick) look at bbPress code it seems that they are using urlencode in urlencode_deep. I think that the right approach for the “re” GET variable is to use rawurlencode like it happens with “_wp_http_referer”.



    Actually speaking PHP core function parse_url does generate a E_WARNING when the URL cannot be parsed. This happens if the server is running PHP < 5.3.3.

    You really should turn off error reporting modifying bb-load.php line 25 (the error_reporting( E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE ); line).

    After a quick (very quick) look at bbPress code it seems that they are using urlencode in urlencode_deep. I think that the right approach for the “re” GET variable is to use rawurlencode like it happens with “_wp_http_referer”.



    Thanks, Zaerl. I followed your advice and modified the error reporting. I just replaced

    error_reporting( E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE );



    I know this could cause some headaches later on, but I’m not sure exactly how to make it specific, and in what way to modify the reporting. It definitely works, though!



    Thanks, Zaerl. I followed your advice and modified the error reporting. I just replaced

    error_reporting( E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE );



    I know this could cause some headaches later on, but I’m not sure exactly how to make it specific, and in what way to modify the reporting. It definitely works, though!

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