I tested this function of edit profile also on your own bbpress website and here it’s working perfectly fine, on this page https://bbpress.org/forums/profile/rollsjoyce/edit/
My forum role is also: participant.
I cannot find out what is causing my errors.
I think this is most likely an issue with the extra plugin you are using “CIMY User Extra Fields”
I am not sure what the actual issue is but you should disable that plugin and see if you can update your password in your bbPress profile.
Thanks for your reply!
You are right it is the combinations of the two plugins causing this error. That is a shame because I need both plugins;-) I can try to remove the edit option in the bbpress profile view. So users can only edit there profile with the wordpress function but still see their topics etc in the bbpres profile view.
or just change the link towards the WP profile edit:
bbpress 2.5.1 on line 65 in bbpress/templates/default/bbpress/user-details.php
I removed the following text (between the dots) from the user-details.php
Now it is no longer possible to edit the profile in the bbpress profile overview. But when I want to update this plugin it will be possible to edit again. Do you have a better solution so it is still erased after an update of this plugin?
<span class=”bbp-user-edit-link”>
…..” title=”<?php printf( esc_attr__( “Edit %s’s Profile”, ‘bbpress’ ), bbp_get_displayed_user_field( ‘display_name’ ) ); ?>”><?php _e( ‘….Edit…..’, ‘bbpress’ ); ?>