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Trouble with admin user and getting started

  • @kenburcham


    Hi guys, I installed and uninstalled bbpress (1.02) several times and keep getting the same result:

    After installation (with no integration) into a clean database and fresh unzip of the files (and even trying a couple of different browsers), I login as admin and get redirected to the forums page. I can logout, login, restart browser, try a different browser, etc. to no avail.

    so I delete the database, delete the directory, reunzip, reinstall and end up with no joy in the same place.

    maybe a hint: after I login with admin username/password, i get a 404 on:

    i have to delete the second bbpress it is adding from somewhere in its misty innards and then i’m logged in as admin, albeit not very powerful admin who can’t get anywhere or do anything.

    bout to give up here and go with something else. love to get some guidance!



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  • @kenburcham



    Here was the problem (this is probably a bug).

    At the apache level we are requiring ssl on the server I’m installing bbpress on.

    When I login as the admin user, it sets the cookie in “auth” not “secure_auth” mode, but then when it goes to check for the admin cookie, it checks “secure_auth” mode because the connection is https.

    the workaround was to add:

    define (‘BB_FORCE_SSL_ADMIN’, true);

    to my bb-config.php file. Log out and log in. Then the admin cookie is set in a way that it can be correctly validated.

    Now I can login as admin.




    Here was the problem (this is probably a bug).

    At the apache level we are requiring ssl on the server I’m installing bbpress on.

    When I login as the admin user, it sets the cookie in “auth” not “secure_auth” mode, but then when it goes to check for the admin cookie, it checks “secure_auth” mode because the connection is https.

    the workaround was to add:

    define (‘BB_FORCE_SSL_ADMIN’, true);

    to my bb-config.php file. Log out and log in. Then the admin cookie is set in a way that it can be correctly validated.

    Now I can login as admin.



    Wow, this did the trick for me. You made me a happy man :-)



    Wow, this did the trick for me. You made me a happy man :-)

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