translation es_ES and ca
Hi, i like to have bbpress in spanish and catalan.
How find this translation in po/mo files?
thanks so much Stephen!!
best regards.
Hello, I’ve made some modifications in bbPress plugin language in catalan
I reviewed version that is in
and I think it’s quite outdated but don’t know how to replace it.
Attach files if anyone might be interested.
@farsite281 Thanks for this though you should submit your translations in the GlotPress project you linked above: Language
- /dev 43% translated, 466 strings translated, 602 Strings untranslated and 401 strings waiting approval
- /2.5 44% translated, 467 strings translated, 572 Strings untranslated and 160 strings waiting approval
The best resources to help get you started are:
The main transators handbook:
The WordPress translator community blog:
bbPress translations reference:
WordPress Catalan project site:
The reason I state that it is best to provide (and update) the bbPress (including WordPress, BuddyPress and Akismet) translations at is because each of these projects can have the translations updated as part of WordPress’ “Automatic Updates”, just like you see updates for your plugins and themes, if any of these projects are 100% translated you will be offered to update all of your translations from the WordPress dashboard updates page.
Thank you for your response.
I’ve translated 100% of plugin with poedit and I don’t want to rewrite the same strings again in GlotPress project.
As I’m not a validator I assume I can’t replace the whole file but I’ve to rewrite all the missing stings one by one.
I’ll post message in
If catalan validator reads the post I hope he will submit translation.
Thank you again
As I’m not a validator I assume I can’t replace the whole file but I’ve to rewrite all the missing stings one by one.
That is correct.
And yes, send a message to the Catalan translation team, they can also add you as a validator and if they do that you will be able to upload the .po file and replace the existing translations.
p.s. The automatic translations updates are really cool 🙂
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